Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lillipillar Cloth Diapers BY ME!

I recently opened a shop called Lillipillar Designs on Etsy! I offer handmade creations for babies and children. Currently it is well stocked with cloth diapers and I will soon be adding some dresses etc.
Here are some sample shots of my diapers!

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Girls Romper Version of the Sydney Pinafore

I was looking online for a simple and adorable bibbed romper for my daughter when I came across this Sydney Pinafore Dress at Welcome to the Mouse House.
It was similar to what I was looking for so I made a couple tiny adjustments and created a fun casual romper that is a bit more modest than a dress at places like the park where climbing and sliding are inevitable. :)

My changes were, Knots instead of buttons on the straps, to allow length for the knot I extended the strap pattern 3/4 inch. I also made a 2.5inch Stitch up the middle of the skirt panels to create a bloomer type shorts bottom instead of the skirt. :)
(sorry for the poor image quality I will try to remember to take more next time she wears it)

ADORABLE: Petal Skirt and Peasant Top

While searching the net for a Petal Skirt Template I came across this amazing Find over at Trisha B. Blog. I knew it was just what I was looking for before I made it and afterwards I was thrilled!!! I paired it with a matching handmade Peasant Top using the Peasant Dress Pattern only cutting it shirt length instead of dress length :)

Easy Cold Pickled Beets

I spent a few hours in the garden a couple days ago. I harvested a nice (little) batch of beets . Since I am sadly the only person in my home that will eat them i decided to pickle them :) ITS SUPER EASY!!!
Container with lid
Aluminium foil and baking dish or tray
Pot for boiling your brine
Fresh Beets
Olive oil
Vinegar of choice (i used a mix of balsamic and white)
Optional: garlic and herbs you like

Preheat oven to 375
In a pot on the stove add a 50/50 mix of vinegar of choice and water.
Add 1/2 cup of sugar per 2 cups of liquid
(so if you have 1cup water 1cup vinegar you will add 1/2 cup sugar) 
Also add your garlic and herbs to this solution.
Let this simmer till your sugar melts nicely and it comes to a slight boil, you can then turn it off to let it cool down a bit before you add it to your beets, Make sure you make enough solution to cover your beets inside the container you plan on putting them in.

Cut tops off beets and clean them thoroughly
Inside/on top of your baking dish, Create an aluminium foil pouch for them,
put them in the pouch. Drizzle them with olive oil
Roast till fork tender but not too soft to be able to slice
(about an hour for a good sized batch)

Let cool
Now peel your beets under water
(peeling under water will keep your hands from turning all purple)
to do so you should just have to rub/squeeze them lightly and the skin will peel off similar to blanched tomato. use a paring knife on rough spots.

Slice your now roasted and peeled beets to your desired bite size, you may leave small beets whole.
 Put your beet slices and the hot/warm brine into your jar/container of choice, let it come to room temp. then place it in the fridge for storage, best taste will occur after about two weeks of your beets being in the brine.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Summer Fun Dress

While browsing online for dress tutorials and patterns I found this jem!
We get countless compliments on this stylish dress made with the tutorial from sewVery!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sundress Without a Pattern.

 I thought I would try something new and make a dress WITHOUT a pattern...
It was a tad trickier "follow the instructions dress."
You have to understand how to take measurements for this one.
Here's how it came out:

an adaptation of the tutorial by:

Lilly and the Technicolor Petal Skirt

In a couple hours I whipped this wildly adorable skirt together for my daughter Lilly. I ended up stitching the petals together for modesty.

The Petal Skirt:
An adaptation of